
In addition to Pagination and Sorting, data can also be filtered by criteria. Standard criteria can just be added to the query. For example, the following finds all users with the name Alice:

query: {
  name: 'Alice'

Additionally, the following advanced criteria are supported for each property.

ProTip: Just like with Pagination and Sorting you won't want to use $in, $nin, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $ne and $or as field names for documents in your database.

$in, $nin

Find all records where the property does ($in) or does not ($nin) contain the given values. For example, the following query finds every user with the name of Alice or Bob:

query: {
  name: {
    $in: ['Alice', 'Bob']

$lt, $lte

Find all records where the value is less ($lt) or less and equal ($lte) to a given value. The following query retrieves all users 25 or younger:

query: {
  age: {
    $lte: 25

$gt, $gte

Find all records where the value is more ($gt) or more and equal ($gte) to a given value. The following query retrieves all users older than 25:

query: {
  age: {
    $gt: 25


Find all records that do not contain the given property value, for example anybody not age 25:

query: {
  age: {
    $ne: 25


Find all records that match any of the given objects. For example, find all users name Bob or Alice:

query: {
  $or: [
    { name: 'Alice' },
    { name: 'Bob' }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""