Using Hooks and Manipulating Data

In the previous section we set up authentication, a signup and login page, and restricted the message service to only authenticated users. Now we can add additional information, like the user who sent it and the creation time to a new message.

Adding information with hooks

Adding information like the current user and the creation time can be done by creating our own before hook. Hooks are a powerful way to register composable middleware before and after a service method runs. You can learn more about it in the hooks chapter. To generate a new hook run:

$ feathers generate hook

Gravatar profile images

Our first hook will be a before hook for the create method on the user service called gravatar:

Generating the Gravatar hook

In this hook we will modify the data before sending it to the database and add the Gravatar image from a users email address when someone signs up. Change src/services/user/hooks/gravatar.js to:

'use strict';

// src/services/user/hooks/gravatar.js
// Use this hook to manipulate incoming or outgoing data.
// For more information on hooks see:

// We need this to create the MD5 hash
const crypto = require('crypto');

// The Gravatar image service
const gravatarUrl = '';
// The size query. Our chat needs 60px images
const query = `s=60`;

// Returns a full URL to a Gravatar image for a given email address
const gravatarImage = email => {
  // Gravatar uses MD5 hashes from an email address to get the image
  const hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(email).digest('hex');

  return `${gravatarUrl}/${hash}?${query}`;

module.exports = function() {
  return function(hook) {
    // Assign the new data with the Gravatar image = Object.assign({},, {
      avatar: gravatarImage(

Processing messages

The next hook will also be a before hook for a create method but this time for the message service. We'll do two things:

  1. Add the _id of the user that created the message as userId
  2. Add a createdAt timestamp with the current time

Let's generate that hook!

Generating the message processing

Now we can update src/services/message/hooks/process.js to:

'use strict';

// src/services/message/hooks/process.js
// Use this hook to manipulate incoming or outgoing data.
// For more information on hooks see:

module.exports = function(options) {
  return function(hook) {
    // The authenticated user
    const user = hook.params.user;
    // The actual message text
    const text =
      // Messages can't be longer than 400 characters
      .substring(0, 400)
      // Do some basic HTML escaping

    // Override the original data = {
      // Set the user id
      userId: user._id,
      // Add the current time via `getTime`
      createdAt: new Date().getTime()

Serializing Messages

So far we've implemented a couple of before hooks but we can also format our data using after hooks, which get called after a service method returns.

Let's say that we want to populate the sender of each message so that we can display them in our UI. Instead of creating one of your own hooks, this time we'll use some that come bundled with Feathers. Specifically, we'll use the populate and remove hooks that come bundled with feathers-hooks.

We need to make a small change to our src/services/message/hooks/index.js file so that it now looks like this:

'use strict';

const auth = require('feathers-authentication').hooks;
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks');

const process = require('./process');
const globalHooks = require('../../../hooks');
const populateSender = hooks.populate('sentBy', {
  service: 'users',
  field: 'userId'

exports.before = {
  all: [
  find: [],
  get: [],
  create: [process()],
  update: [hooks.remove('sentBy')],
  patch: [hooks.remove('sentBy')],
  remove: []

exports.after = {
  all: [],
  find: [populateSender],
  get: [populateSender],
  create: [populateSender],
  update: [],
  patch: [],
  remove: []

This will take the ID stored at the userId attribute on our Message, query the users service to find a User with that ID, and set the User object on the sentBy attribute (replacing the ID).

As you can see, manipulating data is pretty easy with hooks. To improve portability, we could break our hooks up into multiple smaller hooks and chain them. A good candidate might be to move manipulating the createdAt attribute into it's own hook so that it can be shared across multiple services. For this tutorial, we will leave it as it is.

Message authorization

We've seen how Hooks can be used to manipulate data but they can also be used for permissions and validations. We need one last hook that makes sure that users can only remove, update and patch their own message (see the services chapter for more information about those methods).

We need a restrict-to-sender before hook for the message service that runs before those methods. Go ahead and use the generator to create it. Once you've generated the hook, change the file at src/services/message/hooks/restrict-to-sender.js to:

'use strict';

// src/services/message/hooks/restrict-to-sender.js
// Use this hook to manipulate incoming or outgoing data.
// For more information on hooks see:

const errors = require('feathers-errors');

module.exports = function(options) {
  return function(hook) {
    const messageService ='messages');

    // First get the message that the user wants to access
    return messageService.get(, hook.params).then(message => {
      // Throw a not authenticated error if the message and user id don't match
      if (message.sentBy._id !== hook.params.user._id) {
        throw new errors.NotAuthenticated('Access not allowed');

      // Otherwise just return the hook
      return hook;

That's it! We now have a fully-functional, real-time chat API complete with user signup, local authentication, and authorization. You've now had an introduction to services, hooks and middleware, which is almost everything there is to Feathers.

In the next chapter we will briefly talk about building a frontend for our Chat app before learning more about Feathers and diving into the specific framework guides.

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