Common hooks

Some plug-ins include their own hooks when it makes sense to do so. feathers-hooks-common contains other useful hooks.

The following plug-ins come bundled with their own hooks:

ProTip: Hooks previously in feathers-hooks are included with the common hooks. As of v1.6.0, feathers-hooks instead exports feathers-hooks-common to provide backward compatibility. feathers-hooks will become part of core in Feathers 3.0 and you will have to import feathers-hooks-common separately.

ProTip Database adapters that use an ORM like feathers-sequelize and feathers-mongoose return ORM instances instead of plain objects. You may need to convert them to plain objects for some hooks to work properly. Check the documentation for your database adapter to see how to get plain objects.

Categories of hooks in feathers-hooks-common:


A few things from feathers-hooks have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of feathers-hooks-common.

  • Some hooks allowed a predicate function as their last param, e.g. remove('name', () => true). This allowed the hook to be conditionally run. Use iff(predicate, hookFunc) instead.
  • Instead of restrictToRoles use the expanded hooks bundled with the next version of feathers-authentication.

Altering Data

These hooks are used to manipulate your data before it is sent to the database or after it retrieved.


populate(fieldName: string, { service: ServiceName, field = fieldName }): HookFunc

The populate hook uses a property from the result (or every item if it is a list) to retrieve a single related object from a service and add it to the original object.

  • Used as an after hook on any service method.
  • Supports multiple result items, including paginated find.
  • Supports an array of keys in field.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// Given a `user_id` in a message, retrieve the user and
// add it in the `user` field.
  find: hooks.populate('user', {
    service: 'users',
    field: 'user_id'  
 If the object from the message service is
   { _id: '1...1', senderId: 'a...a', text: 'Jane, are you there?' }
 when the hook is run during a find method
   hooks.populate('user', { service: '/users', field: 'senderId' })
 the result will contain
   { _id: '1...1', senderId : 'a...a', text: 'Jane, are you there?',
     user: { _id: 'a...a', name: 'John Doe'} }
 If `senderId` is an array of keys, then `user` will be an array of populated items.


  • fieldName [required] - The field name you want to populate the related object on to.
  • service [required] - The service you want to populate the object from.
  • field [optional. default: fieldName] - The field you want to look up the related object by from the service. That is, the foreign key we have for the service.

If field is an array of keys, then fieldName will contain an array of service objects.

If field is not provided, then fieldName is used, in which case the value(s) of fieldName will first be used to look up the service, and then fieldName will be set to the service object(s) selected.


remove(fieldName: string, ...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Remove the given fields either from the data submitted or from the result. If the data is an array or a paginated find result the hook will remove the field(s) for every item.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.
  • Used as an after hook.
  • Field names support dot notation e.g.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// Remove the hashed `password` and `salt` field after all method calls
app.service('users').after(hooks.remove('password', 'salt'));

// Remove _id for `create`, `update` and `patch`
  create: hooks.remove('_id'),
  update: hooks.remove('_id'),
  patch: hooks.remove('_id')

ProTip: This hook will only fire when params.provider has a value, i.e. when it is an external request over REST or Sockets.


  • fieldName [required] - The first field that you want to remove from the object(s).
  • fieldNames [optional] - Other fields that you want to remove.


pluck(fieldName: string, ...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Discard all other fields except for the provided fields either from the data submitted or from the result. If the data is an array or a paginated find result the hook will remove the field(s) for every item.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.
  • Used as an after hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// Only retain the hashed `password` and `salt` field after all method calls
app.service('users').after(hooks.pluck('password', 'salt'));

// Only keep the _id for `create`, `update` and `patch`
  create: hooks.pluck('_id'),
  update: hooks.pluck('_id'),
  patch: hooks.pluck('_id')

ProTip: This hook will only fire when params.provider has a value, i.e. when it is an external request over REST or Sockets.


  • fieldName [required] - The fields that you want to retain from the object(s).
  • fieldNames [optional] - The other fields that you want to retain.

    All other fields will be discarded.


lowerCase(fieldName: string, ...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Lower cases the given fields either in the data submitted or in the result. If the data is an array or a paginated find result the hook will lowercase the field(s) for every item.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.
  • Used as an after hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// lowercase the `email` and `password` field before a user is created
  create: hooks.lowerCase('email', 'username')


  • fieldName [required] - The fields that you want to lowercase from the retrieved object(s).
  • fieldNames [optional] - The other fields that you want to lowercase.


setCreatedAt(fieldName = 'createdAt', ...fieldNames?: string[])

Add the fields with the current date-time.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.
  • Used as an after hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// set the `createdAt` field before a user is created
  create: [ hooks.setCreatedAt('createdAt') ]


  • fieldName [optional. default: createdAt] - The field that you want to add with the current date-time to the retrieved object(s).
  • fieldNames [optional] - Other fields to add with the current date-time.


setUpdatedAt(fieldName = 'updatedAt', ...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Add or update the fields with the current date-time.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.
  • Used as an after hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// set the `updatedAt` field before a user is created
  create: [ hooks.setUpdatedAt('updatedAt') ]


  • fieldName [optional. default: updatedAt] - The fields that you want to add or update in the retrieved object(s).
  • fieldNames [optional] - Other fields to add or update with the current date-time.

Query Params


removeQuery(...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Remove the given fields from the query params.

  • Used as a before hook.
  • Field names support dot notation
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// Remove _id from the query for all service methods
  all: hooks.removeQuery('_id')

ProTip: This hook will only fire when params.provider has a value, i.e. when it is an external request over REST or Sockets.


  • fieldNames [optional] - The fields that you want to remove from the query object.


pluckQuery(...fieldNames?: string[]): HookFunc

Discard all other fields except for the given fields from the query params.

  • Used as a before hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

// Discard all other fields except for _id from the query
// for all service methods
  all: hooks.pluckQuery('_id')

ProTip: This hook will only fire when params.provider has a value, i.e. when it is an external request over REST or Sockets.


  • fieldNames [optional] - The fields that you want to retain from the query object. All other fields will be discarded.



softDelete(fieldName = 'deleted'): HookFunc

On remove, marks an object as deleted rather than removing the object. Instead of remove, a patch is performed to mark the object as deleted. On find, removes such marked objects from the results.

  • Used as a before hook for remove to mark objects as deleted.
  • Used as a before hook for find to ignore objects marked as deleted.
  • Field names support dot notation.
  • Supports multiple data items, including paginated find.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

  // Ignore any objects marked as deleted.
  find: hooks.softDelete(),
  // Mark an object as deleted rather than physically deleting it.
  remove: hooks.softDelete(),


  • fieldName [optional. default: deleted] - The name of the field holding the deleted flag.



validate(validator: function): HookFunc

Call a validation function from a before hook. The function may be sync or return a Promise.

  • Used as a before hook for create, update or patch.

ProTip: If you have a different signature for the validator then pass a wrapper as the validator e.g. (values) => myValidator(..., values, ...).

ProTip: If your validator uses a callback, wrap your validator in a Promise

const callbackToPromise = require('feathers-hooks-common/lib/promisify').callbackToPromise;
function myCallbackValidator(values, cb) { ... }
const myValidator = callbackToPromise(myCallbackValidator, 1); // function requires 1 param
app.service('users').before({ create: validate(myValidator) });


  • validator [required] - Validation function with signature function validator(formValues).

Sync functions return either an error object or null. Validate will throw on an error object with throw new errors.BadRequest({ errors: errorObject });.

Promise functions should throw on an error. Their .then returns either sanitized values to replace, or null.


Comprehensive validation may include the following:

  • Object schema validation. Checking the item object contains the expected properties with values in the expected format. The values might get sanitized. Knowing the item is well formed makes further validation simpler.
  • Re-running any validation supposedly already done on the front-end. It would an asset if the server can re-run the same code the front-end used.
  • Performing any validation and sanitization unique to the server.

A full featured example of such a process appears below. It validates and sanitizes a new user before adding the user to the database.

  • The form expects to be notified of errors in the format { email: 'Invalid email.', password: 'Password must be at least 8 characters.' }.
  • The form calls the server for async checking of selected fields when control leaves those fields. This for example could check that an email address is not already used by another user.
  • The form does local sync validation when the form is submitted.
  • The code performing the validations on the front-end is also used by the server.
  • The server performs schema validation using Joi.
  • The server does further validation and sanitization.

Validation using Validate

// file /server/services/users/hooks/index.js
const auth = require('feathers-authentication').hooks;
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');
const callbackToPromise = require('feathers-hooks-common/lib/promisify').callbackToPromise;
const validateSchema = require('feathers-hooks-validate-joi');

const clientValidations = require('/common/usersClientValidations');
const serverValidations = require('/server/validations/usersServerValidations');
const schemas = require('/server/validations/schemas');

const validate = hooks.validate;
const serverValidationsSignup = callbackToPromise(serverValidations.signup, 1);

exports.before = {
  create: [
    validateSchema.form(schemas.signup, schemas.options), // schema validation
    validate(clientValidations.signup), // re-run form sync validation
    validate(values => clientValidations.signupAsync(values, 'someMoreParams')), // re-run form async
    validate(serverValidationsSignup), // run server validation

Validation routines for front and back-end.

Validations used on front-end. They are re-run by the server.

// file /common/usersClientValidations
// Validations for front-end. Also re-run on server.
const clientValidations = {};

// sync validation of signup form on form submit
clientValidations.signup = values => {
  const errors = {};

  checkName(, errors);
  checkUsername(values.username, errors);
  checkEmail(, errors);
  checkPassword(values.password, errors);
  checkConfirmPassword(values.password, values.confirmPassword, errors);

  return errors;

// async validation on exit from some fields on form
clientValidations.signupAsync = values =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const errs = {};

    // set a dummy error = 'Already taken.';

    if (!Object.keys(errs).length) {
      resolve(null); // 'null' as we did not sanitize 'values'
    reject(new errors.BadRequest('Values already taken.', { errors: errs }));

module.exports = clientValidations;

function checkName(name, errors, fieldName = 'name') {
  if (!/^[\\sa-zA-Z]{8,30}$/.test((name || '').trim())) {
    errors[fieldName] = 'Name must be 8 or more letters or spaces.';

Schema definitions used by the server.

// file /server/validations/schemas
const Joi = require('joi');

const username = Joi.string().trim().alphanum().min(5).max(30).required();
const password = Joi.string().trim().regex(/^[\sa-zA-Z0-9]+$/, 'letters, numbers, spaces')
const email = Joi.string().trim().email().required();

module.exports = {
  options: { abortEarly: false, convert: true, allowUnknown: false, stripUnknown: true },
  signup: Joi.object().keys({
    name: Joi.string().trim().min(8).max(30).required(),
    confirmPassword: password.label('Confirm password'),

Validations run by the server.

// file /server/validations/usersServerValidations
// Validations on server. A callback function is used to show how the hook handles it.
module.exports = {
  signup: (data, cb) => {
    const formErrors = {};
    const sanitized = {};

    Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
      sanitized[key] = (data[key] || '').trim();

    cb(Object.keys(formErrors).length > 0 ? formErrors : null, sanitized);



setSlug(slug: string, fieldName = 'query.' + slug): HookFunc

A service may have a slug in its URL, e.g. storeId in app.use('/stores/:storeId/candies', new Service());. The service gets slightly different values depending on the transport used by the client.

transport hook.params.query code run on client
socketio undefined { size: 'large', storeId: '123' } candies.create({ name: 'Gummi', qty: 100 }, { query: { size: 'large', storeId: '123' } })
rest :storeId ... same as above ... same as above
raw HTTP 123 { size: 'large' } fetch('/stores/123/candies?size=large', ..

This hook normalizes the difference between the transports. A hook of all: [ hooks.setSlug('storeId') ] provides a normalized hook.params.query of { size: 'large', storeId: '123' } for the above cases.

  • Used as a before hook.
  • Field names support dot notation.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

  create: [ hooks.setSlug('storeId') ]


  • slug [required] - The slug as it appears in the route, e.g. storeId for /stores/:storeId/candies .
  • fieldName [optional. default: query[slugId]] - The field to contain the slug value.


debug(label?: string)

Display current info about the hook to console.

  • Used as a before or after hook.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');

hooks.debug('step 1')
// * step 1
// type: before, method: create
// data: { name: 'Joe Doe' }
// query: { sex: 'm' }
// result: { assigned: true }


  • label [optional] - Label to identify the debug listing.

Utilities to wrap functions


callbackToPromise(callbackFunc: CallbackFunc, paramsCount?: number): PromiseFunc

Wrap a function calling a callback into one that returns a Promise.

  • Promise is rejected if the function throws.
const callbackToPromise = require('feathers-hooks-common/promisify').callbackToPromise;

function tester(data, a, b, cb) {
  if (data === 3) { throw new Error('error thrown'); }
  cb(data === 1 ? null : 'bad', data);
const wrappedTester = callbackToPromise(tester, 3); // because func call requires 3 params

wrappedTester(1, 2, 3); // tester(1, 2, 3, wrapperCb)
wrappedTester(1, 2); // tester(1, 2, undefined, wrapperCb)
wrappedTester(); // tester(undefined, undefined undefined, wrapperCb)
wrappedTester(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // tester(1, 2, 3, wrapperCb)

wrappedTester(1, 2, 3).then( ... )
  .catch(err => { console.log(err instanceof Error ? err.message : err); });


promiseToCallback(promise: Promise)(callbackFunc: CallbackFunc)

Wrap a Promise into a function that calls a callback.

  • The callback does not run in the Promise's scope. The Promise's catch chain is not invoked if the callback throws.
import { promiseToCallback } from 'feathers-hooks-common/promisify'

function (cb) {
  const promise = new Promise( ...).then( ... ).catch( ... );
  promise.then( ... ); // this is still possible


  • callbackFunc [required] - A function which uses a callback as its last param.
  • paramsCount [optional. default: count is obtained by parsing func signature] - The number of parameters callbackFunc expects. This count does not include the callback param itself.

The wrapped function will always be called with that many params, preventing potential bugs.

The function signature is parsed to obtain the count if the number of params is not provided.

Parsing function signatures

Parsing function signatures turns out to be surprisingly difficult. We are using the best signature parser as of Oct 2016. It however has problems with some situations which are unlikely to occur in practice.

These bugs all involve params which have defaults, when their calculation involves parenthesis or commas, e.g.

function abc(a, b = () => {}, c) {}
function abc(a, b = (x, y) => {}, c) {}
function abc(a, b = 5 * (1 + 2), c) {}
const abc = (a, b = 'x,y'.indexOf('y'), c) {};

As an aside, these cases all go away if you transpile your code with Babel.

Running hooks conditionally

There are times when you may want to run a hook conditionally, perhaps depending on the provider, the user authorization, if the user created the record, etc.

A custom service may be designed to always be called with the create method, with a data value specifying the action the service is to perform. Certain actions may require authentication or authorization, while others do not.


iff(predicateFunc: function, hookFunc: HookFunc): HookFunc

Run a predicate function, which returns either a boolean, or a Promise which evaluates to a boolean. Run the hook if the result is truesy.

  • Used as a before or after hook.
  • Predicate may be a sync or async function.
  • Hook to run may be sync or async.
  • feathers-hooks catches any errors thrown in the predicate or hook.
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');
const isNotAdmin = adminRole => hook => hook.params.user.roles.indexOf(adminRole || 'admin') === -1;

  // async predicate and hook
  create: hooks.iff(
    () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }),
    hooks.populate('user', { field: 'authorisedByUserId', service: 'users' })

  // sync predicate and hook
  find: [ hooks.iff(isNotAdmin(), hooks.remove('budget')) ]


  • predicateFunc [required] - Function to determine if hookFunc should be run or not. predicateFunc is called with the hook as its param. It returns either a boolean or a Promise that evaluates to a boolean.
  • hookFunc [required] - A hook function.


isNot(predicateFunc: function)

Negate the predicateFunc.

  • Used with hooks.iff.
  • Predicate may be a sync or async function.
  • feathers-hooks catches any errors thrown in the predicate.
import hooks, { iff, isNot, isProvider } from 'feathers-hooks-common';
const isRequestor = () => hook => new Promise(resolve, reject) => ... );

  iff(isNot(isRequestor()), hooks.remove( ... ))


  • predicateFunc [required] - A function which returns either a boolean or a Promise that resolves to a boolean.


isProvider(provider: string, providers?: string[])

Check which transport called the service method. All providers (REST, and Primus) set the params.provider property which is what isProvider checks for.

  • Used as a predicate function with hooks.iff.
import hooks, { iff, isProvider } from 'feathers-hooks-common';

  iff(isProvider('external'), hooks.remove( ... ))


  • provider [required] - The transport that you want this hook to run for. Options are:
    • server - Run the hook if the server called the service method.
    • external - Run the hook if any transport other than the server called the service method.
    • socketio - Run the hook if the Socket.IO provider called the service method.
    • primus - If the Primus provider.
    • rest - If the REST provider.
  • providers [optional] - Other transports that you want this hook to run for.

Utilities for Writing Hooks

These utilities may be useful when you are writing your own hooks. You can import them from feathers-hooks-common/lib/utils.


checkContext(hook: Hook, type: string|null, methods?: string[]|string, label: string): void

Restrict the hook to a hook type (before, after) and a set of hook methods (find, get, create, update, patch, remove).

const checkContext = require('feathers-hooks-common/lib/utils').checkContext;

function myHook(hook) {
  checkContext(hook, 'before', ['create', 'remove']);

  create: [ myHook ] // throws

// checkContext(hook, 'before', ['update', 'patch'], 'hookName');
// checkContext(hook, null, ['update', 'patch']);
// checkContext(hook, 'before', null, 'hookName');
// checkContext(hook, 'before');


  • hook [required] - The hook provided to the hook function.
  • type [optional] - The hook may be run in before or after. null allows the hook to be run in either.
  • methods [optional] - The hook may be run for these methods.
  • label [optional] - The label to identify the hook in error messages, e.g. its name.

getItems, replaceItems

`getItems(hook: Hook): Item[]|Item

replaceItems(hook: Hook, items: Item[]|Item): void

getItems gets the data items in a hook. The items may be, hook.result or depending on where the hook is used, the method its used with and if pagination is used. undefined, an object or an array of objects may be returned.

replaceItems is the companion to getItems. It updates the data items in the hook.

  • Handles before and after hooks.
  • Handles paginated and non-paginated results from find.
import { getItems, replaceItems } from 'feathers-hooks-common/lib/utils';

const insertCode = (code) => (hook) {
    const items = getItems(hook);
    !Array.isArray(items) ? items.code = code : (items.forEach(item => { item.code = code; }));
    replaceItems(hook, items);

app.service('messages').before = { 
  create: insertCode('a')


  • hook [required] - The hook provided to the hook function.
  • items [required] - The updated item or array of items.

getByDot, setByDot

getByDot(obj: object, path: string): any

setByDot(obj: object, path: string, value: any, ifDelete: boolean): void

getItems gets a value from an object using dot notation, e.g. It does not differentiate between non-existent paths and a value of undefined.

setByDot is the companion to getByDot. It sets a value in an object using dot notation.

  • Optionally deletes properties in object.
import { getByDot, setByDot } from 'feathers-hooks-common/lib/utils';

const setHomeCity = () => (hook) => {
  const city = getByDot(, '');
  setByDot(hook, '', city);

app.service('directories').before = {
  create: setHomeCity()


  • obj [required] - The object we get data from or set data in.
  • path [required] - The path to the data, e.g. Array notion is not supported, e.g. order.lineItems[1].quantity.
  • value [required] - The value to set the data to.
  • ifDelete [optional. default: false] - Delete the property at the end of the path if value is undefined. Note that new empty inner objects will still be created, e.g. setByDot({}, 'a.b.c', undefined, true) will result in {a: b: {} }.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""